PsL Monthly 1994 January
PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (January 1994).iso
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Public (software) Library
January 1994 Monthly CD-ROM
Copyright 1994 Nelson Ford, PsL, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
EMS Functions & Utilities 1.0 [4DEMS] (Paul A. Penrose, reg. fee: $0) is a
collection of functions that work with EMS memory. It includes a function
library to call the EMS services, an EMS driver test, a function to free
allocated EMS pages by name, and a TSR to reserve EMS pages from greedy
80x393 [80X393] (Uwe E. Schirm, reg. fee: $0) is a collection of text files
and ASM modules for Assembler programmers. It includes a list of books for
assembler beginners, hardware tutorials, tips for debugging programs,
instructions for creating various programs for sound cards, as well as
several modules for controlling devices, diagnostics, and much more.
AngelLib 1.9c [ANGEL19C] (Angel Babudro, reg. fee: $29) is a library of MS
Basic PDS 7.1 routines for developing business applications.
App28 1.0 [APP28] (Ed Jordan, reg. fee: $0) is a Turbo Pascal unit that
enables TurboVision applications to be toggled in and out of 28-line mode.
Source code is included.
Arcpak 2.0 [ARCPAK] (Peter Singer, reg. fee: $25) is a unit for BP 7.0 that
allows you to write programs that use archive utilities. Arcpak recognizes
Arc, Pak, Zip, LZH, Arj, and EXE files. It supports DOS and OS/2.
Assembly Language Magazine [ASMMAG4] (Patrick and David O'Riva., reg. fee:
$0) is a set of electronic publications with articles, reviews, and sample
programs for Assembly Language enthusiasts.
NoBlink 1.0 [BLINKO] (Tobin Fricke, reg. fee: $0) disables blinking
forground colors and replaces them with high-intensity background colors.
Pascal source code included.
BPos 1.0 [BPOS] (Bruce J. Lackore, reg. fee: $0) is Pascal code which
performs searches for more than a single string and allows searching with
AND and OR.
CeDemo 1.0 [CEDEMO] (CompuTech USA, reg. fee: $25) is a demo version of
CeText, a text edit control for VBDOS. It supports date, time, currency,
upper and lower case strings and more. The QLB is included for use in VBDOS.
CEnvi 1.006 [CENV1006] (Brent Noorda, reg. fee: $38) is a simple
interpreter that uses C syntax.
CLint 1.62 [CLINT162] (R&D Associates, reg. fee: $35) reads C source files
and generates reports about possible problems. NEW: support for Microsoft
Visual C, Watcom C386, and Symantec C++ Pro 6.0.
C xref 3.0a [CXREF3A] (David Archibald., reg. fee: $20) cross references
any number of C modules. NEW: can cross-reference many more modules at one
EMM Library for C 1.0 [EMM4C10] (Mike Marshall, reg. fee: $38) allows C
programmers to allocate and free expanded memory similiar to malloc() and
free() in the standard C runtime library. Requires the use of the author's
EMS4C library.
EMS Library for C 1.0 [EMS4C10] (Mike Marshall, reg. fee: $38) provides 14
functions which allow the user to make use of expanded memory from their C
programs. Requires an EMS memory board or expanded memory emulation driver.
Format 1.0 [FORMAT] (Barry Childress, reg. fee: $0) is a C++ class for
printing formatted numbers.
GClass 1.0 [GCLASS] (Garry J. Vass, reg. fee: $0) is a C++ class for
performing regular expression searches.
IBMToken [IBMTOK] (Brian Fisher, reg. fee: $0) is assembler source code for
an Ethernet packet driver for the IBM Token Ring adapter card.
Language 2.00 [LANG20] (Taco Oosterkamp, reg. fee: $0) let you make your
VBDOS apps multi-lingual. Text strings for the program (ie: for menus,
captions, etc.) are stored in different files for each language (ie: Dutch,
English, etc.) and compressed and a call to this module retrieves the
desired line.
LBDemo 1.0 [LBDEMO] (Steve Leonard, reg. fee: $0) is the Pascal source code
for demonstrating how to create an ownerdraw listbox. It displays all the
available disk drive letters, with a disk icon next to each one.
LDS 1.1 [LDS_11] (Nico E. de Vries, reg. fee: $0) is source code for a
variety of compression methods, including AR002, LZW, COMP, ASH, FIN, HUF,
LineDraw 1.0 [LINEDRAW] (Tim Schempp, reg. fee: $0) is Pascal source code
which allows the programmer to draw line and rectangles on the screen using
the ASCII character set. The unit automatically detects where lines will
intersect, and replaces the characters at the intersection with the proper
LinkList 1.0 [LINKLIST] (Steve Schustack, reg. fee: $0) is a graphical
explanation of link lists and pointers, and their usage in C programming. It
also includes a demonstration of a screen drawing program written in C.
LVI Programming Toolkit [LVI] (Tobin Fricke, reg. fee: $1) is a Pascal
library for using LVI (Last Video Interface) emulation. It is similar to
ANSI, however, it uses advanced compression and is binary. It is over twice
as fast as ANSI.
LZW Data Compression Library for Pascal 1.3 [LZW4P13] (Mike Marshall, reg.
fee: $38) is a Lempel-Ziv-Welch data compression library for Turbo Pascal.
Move 1.0 [MOVE] (Walt Myers, reg. fee: $0) is source code for moving files.
MSECDLY.C [MSECDL] (Bill Gatliff, reg. fee: $0) is C source for procedures
to modify BIOS timer overflow rates. This works better in
high-speed-interrupt environments than Borland's delay() routine.
Personal Communications Library for C 4.0 [PCL4C40] (Mike Marshall, reg.
fee: $58) is an async comm library for MSC or Turbo C.
Personal Communications Library for Pascal 4.0 [PCL4P40] (MarshallSoft
Computing, Inc., reg. fee: $58) is a Lempel-Ziv-Welch data compression
library for Turbo Pascal.
Power C Functions Library [PCLCJS] (Chuck Steenburgh, reg. fee: $0) is a
multi-purpose function library. It contains more than two dozen functions
for string handling, video, i/o, and more. C source code for several
functions are included.
Power C Shell 2.3 [PCSHEL] (Chuck Steenburgh, reg. fee: $15) allows you to
simplify editing, compiling, and debugging of POWER C programs. NEW:
supports multiple file editors.
PC Windows Phase I 1.0 [PCW] (Stan Milam, reg. fee: $0) is a library of C
and assembler routines designed to give you control over the video of your
computer. It features automatic detection of the video hardware, video BIOS
support, mouse and keyboard support, and more.
PKWareU 1.0a [PKPAS1] (Terry Sansom, reg. fee: $0) is a PKWare ZIP viewer
unit. It allows access to key fields inside PKWare's zipped archives. Pascal
source is included.
Programmer's Project Manager 1.16 [PPM116] (Craig S. Stevenson, reg. fee:
$50) allows BASIC programmers to have complete control over a program's
development. NEW: supports 64K+ files, individual compiler switches,
individual customization for builder and BASIC users, command line
parameters, and EMS/XMS memory.
PRQue 1.0 [PRQUE] (Michael Fiel, reg. fee: $0) is the BP7.0 source code for
an object which opens a print queue on Novell Netware 3.11 without using an
LPT port. It can be run in real and protected modes.
QBTOOL [QBTOOL] (Mike Finister, reg. fee: $0) is a set of routines for
QuickBASIC 4.50.
Screen Designer 1.0 [SD100] (Gary Ivany, reg. fee: $25) creates text
screens for programs. Screens can be saved as an OBJ file, a COM file or a
binary file. Requires a mouse.
Snippets 493 [SNP493] (Bob Stout, reg. fee: $0) is a collection of various
C routines.
SOS Engine 2.20 [SOSENG] (Solid Oak Software, reg. fee: $25) is a debugging
tool which records low level application activity such as file accesses,
reads, writes, memory allocation requests and more. NEW: includes ASM source
plus examples for Basic, Clipper, C, and Turbo Pascal.
Splay [SPLAY] (Paul O'Nolan, reg. fee: $0) contains the TASM source for
Splay Tree data compression and expansion. It includes OOP version, OBJ
files, and TASM code for pre-compression string packing.
Strip [STRIP] (reg. fee: $0) is a BASIC to ASIC BSave converter.
SuperVGA Test Library 4.2 [SVGKT4] (Kendall Bennett, reg. fee: $0) is a set
of routines for working with SuperVGA video cards that have a VESA VBE
compliant Video BIOS. It is intended to show how to program the SuperVGA
cards through the VESA VBE. It Supports both Borland C++ and Microsoft C.
TASM 3.0 [TASM30] (Thomas N. Anderson, reg. fee: $40) is a table-driven
cross-assembler for the DOS environment. Assembly source code can be
assembled with TASM and the resulting object code transferred to the target
microprocessor system via PROM or other mechanisms.
TdInfo 0.7 [TDINFO] (Andy McFarland, reg. fee: $0) is for use with Turbo
Pascal. It reports the Turbo Debug Information appended to an .EXE file,
including unit dependencies, object hierarchy, data segment usage, and the
declaration part of procedures.
TXT2BIN 1.13 [TXT2BIN] (Bruce Lum, reg. fee: $10) is a text to binary
conversion program.
Very Large Numbers 1.0 [VLN] (Karl Chase, reg. fee: $0) allows the Pascal
programmer to to work with numbers up to 1000 decimal digits or more. VLN
can also handle numbers to 1* 10 ^ -1000 or smaller as well as add,
subtract, multiply, divide, and perform with roots and powers.
Virtual Reality Tools 1.6 [VTOOLS16] (Denis Sureau, reg. fee: $33) is a set
of utilities to create sceneries and animations of programs of the future.